The big picture Jackpot 2021 - The Big Picture Ghar Baithe Jeeto Contest Today Question & Answer Bano Lakhpati 17 -18 October 2021
Hi The Big Picture Participates, If you are searching for The Big Picture Ghar Baithe Jeeto Contest Today Question & Answer Bano Lakhpati 17 -18 October 2021 then you have come to the write place, which provide correct answers of The Big Picture Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot Contest Today Question & Answers .
The Big Picture Ghar Baithe Jeeto Today Question Answer for 17th -18th October, 2021 & Bano Lakhpati
Q. Which country’s currency is this? | यह किस देश की मुद्रा है?
Maldives | मालदीव
Bangladesh | बांग्लादेश
Pakistan | पाकिस्तान
Afghanistan | अफ़ग़ानिस्तान
Correct Answer is: Pakistan | पाकिस्तान
1.In order to participate in the Contest, the Participant(s) will be required to download Voot from the app store for iOS or play store for android or log in on the Voot website or mobile site.
2.Click on the Contest’s banner as displayed therein and complete the registration/ participation process by entering details/fields which may include details such as
i) name, ii) age, iii) address, iv) nationality, v) email address, vi) online social media accounts, vii) contact number mobile; viii) contact number landline, etc.
After filling in all the required details the Participant shall choose a Contest Answer from the options to the Contest Question.
The Contest shall commence on October 16, 2021 at 20:00 hours (Indian Standard Time) and end on will end on the first airing of last episode or finale episode of the Program on the Channel or on such date and time as decided by the Organizer ("Contest Period").
Contest Day - Contest Hours
Saturday to Sunday: 20:00 hours on Saturday until 19:59 hours on Sunday
Sunday to Monday: 20:00 hours on Sunday until 19:59 hours on Monday
The Organizer shall choose one winner per Contest Day as the winner of the Contest for that particular Contest Day from amongst the Participants who have provided the correct Contest Answer to the Contest Question on that particular Contest Day. In the event that more than one Participant have provided a correct Contest Answer, then the winner shall be selected by a process of random selection by using a randomizer, from amongst such Participants, in accordance with these Terms & Conditions (“Winner”). The Winner for each Contest Day shall be declared within 60 days from each contest day or in a manner as deemed fit by Viacom18 on Voot and/or on the Channel and/or the social media pages of Voot and/or Channel (“Announcement”).
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PRIZE DETAILS for he Big Picture Ghar Baithe Jeeto Contest
The Winner of each Contest Day shall either receive a cash prize of INR 1,00,000/- as decided solely by the Organizer (“Prize”).